Ibanez 10-Series Bottom Plate

Regular price €18.50
These fabulous iconic pedals still going strong and many guitar players around the globe love the sound and the vintage feeling of these effects. The TS10 Tubescreamer is maybe the most known of them all.
Trying to attach these pedals to a pedalboard is not always easy. The rubber surface underneath is not a good starting point for a durable attachment of velcro or other adhesive type of fastening. The battery cover is often quite loose and this might give you trouble and the pedal will not stay on your board for long.
The Ibanez 10-series Replacement Bottom Plate (made by Soulman) is a good solution here. You don´t have to destroy the original plate by removing the rubber and the original plate and battery cover can be saved if you deside to sell the pedal later or just use it as a stand alone unit on your studio table.
The powder coated surface on the replacement plate is perfect for all adhesive Velcro styles and the pedal will sit tight on your pedalboard.
Use the original screws to fasten the plate to the pedal.